Nature’s bounty

100% Pure Raw Honey

from the house of Suppi’s garden

A Taste of Nature

Uncap the taste of nature with our 100% Pure ​Raw Honey. This unfiltered honey is exactly as ​the bees made it - bottled straight from the ​hive preserving its natural enzymes, vitamins ​and antioxidants for a more complex unique ​flavor and potential health benefits

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Honey Benefits

Jar of Honey and Cup of Tea on a Table

Honey Tea

Honey tea is a soothing and delicious ​beverage made by adding honey to brewed ​tea. Both honey and tea offer a variety of ​health benefits, and when combined, their ​effects can be even more potent.

Here are some of the potential benefits of ​drinking honey tea:

  • Boosted immunity: Both honey and tea are ​rich in antioxidants, which can help ​strengthen the immune system and fight ​off illness.
  • Soothes sore throat: Honey has natural ​antibacterial and soothing properties that ​can help relieve a sore throat. The warmth ​of the tea can also be comforting.
  • Aids digestion: Honey can act as a ​prebiotic, promoting the growth of good ​bacteria in the gut. Certain teas, such as ​ginger or peppermint, can also help soothe ​the digestive system.
  • Provides energy: Honey is a natural source ​of sugar, which can provide a quick energy ​boost. Tea, depending on the type, can ​also contain some caffeine for an ​additional energy lift.
  • May improve sleep: Some herbal teas, ​such as chamomile, can promote ​relaxation and improve sleep quality. ​Honey may also have some calming ​effects.

Hair Doesnt Make the Woman, but Good Hair Definitely Helps. Stud

Healthy Hairs

Honey offers a surprising range of benefits for ​your hair, thanks to its unique composition. ​Here's how honey can transform your tresses:

  • Hydration Marvel: Honey is a humectant, ​attracting and locking in moisture for your ​hair. This is especially beneficial for dry, ​brittle hair, as honey helps keep it ​hydrated, soft, and manageable.
  • Strengthening Powerhouse: Honey is ​packed with antioxidants and nutrients ​that nourish the hair follicles. This can lead ​to stronger, healthier hair with less ​breakage.
  • Shine Booster: Honey's emollient ​properties smooth down the hair cuticle, ​resulting in shinier, more lustrous locks. It ​also helps tame frizz and flyaways for a ​polished look.
  • Scalp Soother: Honey's antibacterial and ​antifungal properties can help alleviate ​dandruff and itchy scalp. Its soothing ​nature can also calm irritation.
  • Natural Conditioner: Honey acts as a ​natural conditioner, detangling hair and ​leaving it feeling soft and smooth. This can ​be particularly helpful for those with curly ​or textured hair.

Some additional benefits of honey for hair ​include:

  • Promoting hair growth (through scalp ​nourishment)
  • Adding natural volume and body
  • Offering a slight lightening effect

Here are some things to keep in mind when ​using honey for hair:

  • Moderation is key: While beneficial, honey ​is still a sugar. Use it in moderation to avoid ​weighing down your hair.
  • Raw is best: Always opt for raw, ​unprocessed honey like Suppi’s Garden ​Natural Honey, as processing can reduce ​its beneficial properties.
  • Rinse thoroughly: Make sure to rinse your ​hair well after using a honey treatment to ​avoid stickiness.

Portrait of a Sick Young Girl Coughing

Best Remedy For Cough

Honey has been a popular home remedy for ​coughs for centuries, and there's some ​research to support its effectiveness:

  • Cough Suppressant: Studies suggest ​honey might be as effective as some ​cough suppressants, particularly at ​relieving nighttime coughs in children over ​1 year old.
  • Soothing Properties: Honey's thick ​consistency coats the throat, creating a ​protective layer that can ease irritation and ​coughing.
  • Antimicrobial Effects: Some types of honey ​may have mild antibacterial properties that ​could potentially help fight off some ​bacteria that contribute to coughs.

Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Age Restriction: Honey is not safe for ​children under 1 year old due to the risk of ​infant botulism.
  • Warm Liquid is Best: Honey is often ​consumed mixed in warm water or herbal ​tea. The warmth of the liquid itself can be ​soothing for a cough.

How to Use Honey for Cough Relief:

  • Mix 1-2 teaspoons of honey (preferably ​raw) into a cup of warm water or herbal ​tea.
  • You can give this mixture to children over 1 ​year old at bedtime to help relieve ​nighttime coughs.
  • For better result, consume 1 tsp of honey ​with 5-6 crushed Raw Black Peppers.



Honey is a good source of antioxidants!

  • Rich in Antioxidant Powerhouses: ​Minimally processed honey contains ​beneficial plant compounds like flavonoids ​and phenolic acids, which act as ​antioxidants. Darker honey varieties tend ​to have more antioxidants compared to ​lighter ones.
  • Combats Free Radicals: Antioxidants help ​neutralize harmful molecules called free ​radicals in your body. Free radical build-up ​can damage cells and contribute to ​conditions like premature aging, heart ​disease, and even some cancers.
  • Potential Health Benefits: Many of honey's ​potential health benefits, like reducing ​inflammation and improving blood sugar ​control, might be linked to its antioxidant ​content.

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Natural Sweetener

Honey can definitely be a good choice as a ​natural sweetener! Here's a breakdown of its ​advantages:

  • Natural Sweetness: Honey provides a ​natural sweetness that some people find ​preferable to the taste of refined sugar.
  • More Than Just Sugar: Honey contains a ​variety of trace minerals, vitamins, and ​antioxidants that aren't present in table ​sugar.
  • Potentially Lower Glycemic Index: Honey ​may have a slightly lower glycemic index ​than sugar, meaning it might cause a ​smaller spike in blood sugar levels [3]. ​However, it's still important to consume it ​in moderation.

Here are some things to consider when using ​honey as a sweetener:

  • Sweetness Level: Honey is generally ​sweeter than sugar, so you might need ​less of it to achieve the same level of ​sweetness. This can be helpful for ​reducing overall sugar intake.
  • Flavor Impact: Honey has its own unique ​flavor profile that can enhance the taste of ​your food or drink. However, it might not ​always be a perfect substitute depending ​on the recipe.
  • Baking Considerations: Honey can affect ​the texture and browning of baked goods. ​You might need to adjust recipes slightly ​when using honey as a sweetener.

Redness at neck of Asian man. Concept of sore throat, pharyngitis, laryngitis or dysphagia.

Relief From Sore Throat

Honey has a long history of being used as a ​home remedy for sore throats, and there's ​some scientific evidence to back it up! Here's ​why honey might be helpful:

  • Soothing Properties: Honey has a thick, ​viscous consistency that coats the throat, ​creating a protective barrier that can ease ​irritation and discomfort.
  • Antibacterial Effects: Honey has natural ​antibacterial properties, which may help ​fight off some bacteria that contribute to ​sore throats. However, it's important to ​note that research in this area is ongoing.
  • Anti-inflammatory Power: Honey's anti-​inflammatory properties may help reduce ​swelling and discomfort associated with a ​sore throat.
  • Cough Suppressant: Studies suggest that ​honey might be as effective as some ​cough suppressants at relieving coughs, ​especially nighttime coughs in children.

Here are some additional things to keep in ​mind:

  • Warm Liquid is Key: Honey is often ​consumed mixed in warm water or tea. ​The warmth of the liquid itself can be ​soothing for a sore throat.
  • Age Restriction: Honey is not safe for ​children under 1 year old due to the risk of ​infant botulism.
  • Moderation is Important: While honey can ​offer relief, it's not a cure-all. If your sore ​throat is severe or doesn't improve within a ​week, consult a doctor.

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Honey does have some properties that might ​be beneficial for burns with inflammation.

Potential Benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory properties: Honey ​contains compounds that may help reduce ​inflammation, which can be a major ​symptom of burns.
  • Antibacterial properties: Honey has natural ​antibacterial properties that can help ​prevent infection in minor burns.
  • Wound healing: Some studies suggest ​honey may promote wound healing.

Important Considerations:

  • Severity of the Burn: Honey is generally ​not recommended for serious burns. For ​moderate to severe burns, seek immediate ​medical attention from a doctor or burn ​specialist.

Here's what to do:

  1. For minor burns: Cool the burn with ​running water for 10-15 minutes. Pat the ​area dry with a clean cloth and consult ​with a doctor. They can advise on whether ​honey might be suitable for your specific ​burn and if so, provide guidance on proper ​application.
  2. For moderate to severe burns: Seek ​immediate medical attention from a doctor ​or burn specialist. Do not attempt to treat a ​serious burn with home remedies.

I couldn't be happier about my glowing skin

Skin Health

Honey has several properties that can ​contribute to a radiant, healthy complexion:

  • Hydration Hero: Honey is a humectant, ​meaning it attracts and retains moisture in ​the skin. This can leave your skin feeling ​plump, supple, and glowing.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: Honey's natural ​properties can help remove dead skin ​cells, revealing a brighter, smoother ​surface underneath. This gentle exfoliation ​can promote a natural radiance.
  • Antibacterial Power: Honey has natural ​antibacterial properties that can help fight ​acne-causing bacteria. This can lead to ​clearer, less blemished skin, contributing ​to a more even glow.
  • Scar Fading Friend: Honey contains ​antioxidants and may promote skin cell ​regeneration, which can potentially help ​fade scars and hyperpigmentation, ​resulting in a more uniform skin tone.
  • Soothing Relief: Honey's anti-inflammatory ​properties can help calm irritation and ​redness, promoting a calmer, more ​balanced complexion that glows with ​health.

Here are some ways to incorporate honey into ​your skincare routine:

  • Honey Mask: Mix raw honey with a bit of ​yogurt or mashed banana for a hydrating ​and gentle exfoliating mask. Leave it on for ​15-20 minutes and rinse thoroughly.
  • Spot Treatment: Apply a small amount of ​raw honey directly to pimples to help ​reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Honey Cleanser: Mix raw honey with a ​gentle carrier oil like jojoba oil for a natural, ​moisturizing cleanser.

Treatment of Heartburn and Other Gastrointestinal Diseases. Doctor Holding Stomach Illustration on Grey Background, Closeup

Improve Digestive Health

The potential benefits of honey for digestive ​health are interesting, but the research is still ​ongoing. Here's what we know so far:

  • Prebiotic Potential: Honey contains ​prebiotics, which are essentially food for ​the good bacteria in your gut. These good ​bacteria play a crucial role in digestion and ​overall gut health.
  • Antibacterial Properties: Certain types of ​honey, particularly Manuka honey, have ​been shown to have antibacterial ​properties. This could potentially be ​beneficial against some harmful gut ​bacteria associated with digestive issues ​like diarrhea. However, research is still ​going on this.
  • Soothing Relief: Honey's anti-inflammatory ​properties might offer some relief for ​digestive discomfort. Some studies ​suggest it may help soothe a sore throat, ​which can sometimes accompany ​digestive problems.

Here are some additional points to consider:

  • Honey is still a form of sugar, and ​excessive consumption can disrupt ​digestion. Enjoy it in moderation as part of ​a balanced diet.
  • Always choose raw honey such as Suppi’s ​Garden Natural Honey.
A little girl's chapped lips due to cold and dehydration

Remedy For Dry Lips

Honey can be a great natural remedy for dry ​lips! Here's why:

  • Moisture Magnet: Honey is a humectant, ​meaning it attracts and retains moisture in ​the air. This can help draw moisture into ​your lips and keep them hydrated.
  • Gentle Exfoliation: Honey has natural ​enzymes that can gently remove dead skin ​cells from your lips. This exfoliation helps ​reveal smoother, softer skin underneath.
  • Healing Power: Honey has antibacterial ​and antimicrobial properties that can help ​prevent infection in cracked or chapped ​lips, promoting healing.
  • Soothing Relief: Honey's anti-inflammatory ​properties can help reduce irritation and ​inflammation associated with dry lips.

Here are some ways to use honey for dry lips:

  • Simple Honey Application: Apply a thin ​layer of raw honey directly to your lips ​using a clean finger or cotton swab. Leave ​it on for 15-20 minutes, then wipe it off ​with a damp cloth.
  • DIY Honey Lip Scrub: Mix raw honey with ​sugar or finely ground coffee grounds for a ​gentle lip scrub. Gently massage the scrub ​onto your lips in circular motions, then ​rinse with warm water and apply a lip ​balm.
  • Honey Lip Balm: Look for lip balms that ​contain honey as an ingredient. These ​balms can provide long-lasting hydration ​and nourishment for your lips.

Indulge in the pure goodness of nature's finest. Try our Raw Honey today

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Why Suppi’s Garden Natural Honey?

Experience the difference raw makes

Unfiltered Goodness: Raw Honey, Nature's Perfect Sweetener

Indulge in the pure taste of nature's finest with our raw, natural honey. Unlike processed honey, ours is minimally filtered, preserving the beneficial ​pollen, enzymes, antioxidants, and vitamins that nature intended.

A Treasure Trove of Health

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Packed with Antioxidants

Raw honey boasts a wealth of antioxidants, helping protect your body from cell ​damage and potentially reducing the risk of chronic diseases.

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Natural Source of Vitamins & Minerals

Our honey provides a natural source of essential vitamins and minerals, offering ​a gentle yet powerful way to nourish your well-being.

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Uncompromising Quality

We are committed to providing the highest quality raw honey. Our beekeeping ​practices prioritize the health and well-being of our bees, ensuring a sustainable ​and ethical product.

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Untouched Flavors

Our raw honey comes in delightful flavors of nature, reflecting the diverse floral ​landscapes our bees forage in. Each jar offers a unique taste experience, perfect ​for satisfying your sweet tooth or adding a touch of magic to your favorite ​recipes.

What our customers say?

Young Woman Passport Photo Vector Concept Metaphor

Best honey that I ever tried. Its so delicious


Young Woman Passport Photo Vector Concept Metaphor

So satisfying, best products in the market


Man Circle Silhouette.

Waiting for your new products to try them all. Loving them all, ​honey is the best


Young Woman Passport Photo Vector Concept Metaphor

Ni​ce products, honey was soo good!


Young Woman Passport Photo Vector Concept Metaphor

Geniune honey, liked the t​aste very much


Woman Meditating at Home

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Delivery: We are delivering all over India.
Shipping charges:
Free shipping on orders above Rs.500/-.
For orders <500, shipping charges calculated at the time of order & communicated over WhatsApp.
*We always try to keep shipping charges as lowest as possible.

Our Address

Suppi’s Garden

D.No:1-63, Potyalu

Shirady Post & Village

Kadaba Taluk, Dakshina Kannada

Pin: 574229

Customer care: +91-9845045882
